Partners, Founders and Support

MeCAHT needs the following to rehabilitate 11 survivors and reach 20,000 vulnerable people with prevention campaign:

Embassy Of Denmark In Nigeria


Deputy High Commissioner, British High Commision

Indian Ladies

Retro Cafe

The Kallauchs & Marije Companjen

Berger Ladies Foundation

EXIST & Karin Kjaergaard

PHINIX PR & Media Consult

Mirna Torres, US Embassy

Secure D Future Int’l Initiative

Austrian Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria

Australian High Commission in Abuja, Nigeria

Raakhi Sona Williams & Parents

Esther Ministries

Cube Café

Current and Future Needs

Food stuff (Rice, Beans, Yams, Indomie, Oil etc)

Provision (Cereal, Sugar, Milk, Beverage, Soap, Body Cream, Detergent, Sanitary towels, Biscuits etc)

Medical (First Aid Drugs)

Allowance for volunteers (N230,000 per month to cover 5 volunteers)

School fees for survivors (About N50,000/ 139 USD per survivor per term)


20 chairs for training centre

Construction Projects

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Construction of MeCAHT Permanent Centre – On a newly acquired 1 hectare piece of land at Sabon Lugbe, Abuja

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Construction of MeCAHT Permanent Centre – On a 1 hectare piece of land at Sabon Lugbe, Abuja

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Construction of MeCAHT Permanent Centre – On a 1 hectare piece of land at Sabon Lugbe, Abuja

World Image

Construction of MeCAHT Permanent Centre – On a 1 hectare piece of land at Sabon Lugbe, Abuja


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